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These are some of the collection of messages posted on our VI86 forum site in 2005 & 2006.. Give us some news or word of wisdom to put inside the website. It's your call, not mine. Start pressing the keypads, bros.

To the topics




Fellow 86ers is selling his two condos. Good location. One is just next to PWTC.

For details, click on the condos name below



Friday, January 13, 2006


Sudah mempunyai tanah dan ingin membina sebuah banglo atau rumah di atasnya?

Perlukan kontraktor untuk pengurusan kertas-kerja kelulusan dan membina bangunan tersebut?

Emel saya untuk maklumat lanjut.


Want to increase your mojo to the max plus maintaning your reproductive system is in good condition.

Email me for more info

Date Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:45 pm
Subject [[vi86] golf anyone?
Comment Sapa-sapa nak join in call roy or andrew

In the last few months, Andrew Tan, Roy and myself have been playing almost every Sunday am at Bandar Utama. We normally tee off at around 7.15am and finished at around 9.30/10.00am (9 holes). Anyone interested to join, feel free to turn up or alternatively contact Andrew or Roy.


Date Thursday, January 5, 2006 9:30 am
Subject [vi86] Computer Virus Advisory
Comment PC Guys bewarned. Better change to MACOS X


<<< Happy New Year from Marsh in Asia ...  http://www.marsh-asia.com >>>

---------------------- Forwarded by Dedi Syaripuddin/SNG/SG/Marsh/MMC on 5 Jan 2006, 09:16  Thursday ---------------------------


Date:  January 4, 2006

Industry experts predict a surge in computer virus activity starting as early as today. Specifically, a new variant of the Sober virus is expected to be released on the Internet. This virus was among the most widespread viruses of 2005, disrupting computer systems globally.

- Do not open e-mail from unfamiliar sources;
- Do not click on links to unfamiliar Web sites within   e-mails;
- Under no circumstances should you open attachments within e-mails that you were not expecting; and
- Do not open attachments when accessing personal Web-based e-mail accounts via company-issued computers.

We advise you to take similar precautions when using your personal computers at home and to make sure you are protected with regularly updated virus definitions.

"Mohd Azhar Ismail" <bobazhar@time.net.my>
Date Thu Jan 5, 2006  9:06 pm
Subject COMBAT GROUNDS: Latest Game Perang Online FREE
Comment Direct input: Addictive Game


Dah nak masuk hari ke-10 pergi berperang. Jadi NAVY SEAL. So sapa-sapa nak jadi
terrorist pun boleh. Game macam soccer management style Role Playing Game. Rekrut askar virtual dan aset perang. Nak defense atau attack. Buat joint operation dgn member, setup atau join COALITION TEAM (CREW). Lepas dah kuat,SERANG!!!!!!!!! Cuma kalau silap strategi kena serang balik habis-habisan. Itu yg menarik.

Sekarang akan start new Campaign in 2 days time. Campaign takes 10 days and lepas tu reset balik ke asal. So boleh start balik dari mula Yg penting sekali its FREE.

Additive game and an interesting one too. Already dah naik level Colonel and going for General. End of campaign will be a private again.

So kalau ada masa nak buang and dream to be an army commander, terrorist atau navy seal bolehlah klik this link: here



PS: Saja nak ramaikan team dari Malaysia

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"Mohd Azhar Ismail" <bobazhar@time.net.my>
Date Thu Dec 22, 2005  1:41 am
Subject 2006: launching of VI86 website new look.

Assalamualaikum and good day to all VI86ers.

I'm reviving back VI86 website after it have been staying idle for the past three years. And what a year to kick off the website. Since I now a bit free and temporarily unemployed and penniless ;( until early 2006, I am spending the time to revamp all my websites and VI86 is in that list. And yes, I still do have a penis.

20 years has past since we left school. To some like me, have stayed on till 1988. But the fact remains we are the fifth former that went through SPM in Victoria Instution in 1986.

I hope that many of you would be able to participate and contribute to the website as this site created by me is for you all. Working on some coding to enable you to add news to the site itself. Hopes it will work out.

And as a start, I look forward if any of you have photos during that five years in school. I need the class photos we took in 1986. I seem to lost my 1986 annual book.

Somebody still got my photos for the Corona Hotel event and I yet to receive back the
photos. And Andy Ho, I still have your photos with me. ;)

So, help is needed and I hope any of you are kind enough and have the time to email me the photos (preferably in high resolution) to my bobazhar@gmail.com account.

Anyone interested to play paintball? We can have that as our gathering point for the year 2006. Any takers?

It is much appreciated.



PS: Look forward to a new begining.
Merry Christmas to all celebrating it.

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Date Thu Nov 17, 2005  5:46 pm
Subject This might just put a smile on your face!
Comment Good Stuff to Read

According to today's regulators and bureaucrats, those of us who were kids in the 60's and 70's probably shouldn't have survived, because our baby cots were covered with brightly coloured lead-based paint, which was promptly chewed and licked. We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles, or latches on doors or cabinets and it was fine to play with pans.

When we rode our bikes, we wore no helmets, just flip flops and fluorescent 'spokey dokeys' on our wheels. As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or airbags - riding in the passenger seat was a treat.

We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle and it tasted the same. We ate chips, bread and butter pudding and drank fizzy pop with sugar in it, but we were never overweight because we were always outside playing.

We shared one drink with four friends, from one bottle or can and no one actually died from this.

We would spend hours building go-carts out of scraps and then went top speed down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into stinging nettles a few times, we learned to solve the problem.

We would leave home in the morning and could play all day, as long as we were back before it got dark. No one was able to reach us and no one minded.

We did not have Play stations or X-Boxes, no video games at all. No 99 channels on TV, no videotape movies, no surround sound, no mobile phones, no personal computers, and no Internet chat rooms. We had friends and we went outside and found them.

We played elastics and street rounders, and sometimes that ball really hurt. We fell out of trees, got cut and broke bones but there were no lawsuits. We had full on fistfights but no prosecution followed from other parents. We played knock-and-run and were actually afraid of the owners catching us.

We walked to friend's homes. We also, believe it or not, WALKED to school; we didn't rely on mummy or daddy to drive us to school, which was just round the corner.

We made up games with sticks and tennis balls. We rode bikes in packs of 7 and wore our coats by only the hood. The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke a law unheard of. They actually sided with the law.

This generation has produced some of the best risk-takers and problem solvers and inventors, ever. The past 50 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all.


Want to read the rest? Click here

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"Shah Arin" <arinrosb@streamyx.com>
Date Mon Nov 7, 2005  9:06 pm
Subject Nice to be hear guys
Comment Is this Shahrin Razali?

Nice to be hear guys.

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MOHD IDRIS MD YUSOF <idrisyusof@yahoo.com>
Date Tue Nov 1, 2005  4:28 pm
Subject Selamat Hari Deepavali Dan Hari Raya !
Comment Got photos of you in Tehran?

Assalamuaalaikum and Salam Sejahtera.
Saya ucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Deepavali pada rakan-rakan  VI86 yang beragama Hindu and Selamat Hari Raya Aidil-Fitri pada yang beragama Islam.
Maaf zahir and batin from me to all of you !
This year ... tak der gathering ker for both Deepavali and Hari Raya?
Best Regards,
Mohd Idris Yusof (IBAN)
Tehran Iran

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Date Thu Apr 28, 2005  12:51 pm
Subject What it means to be too cautious...
Comment Good one

There was a very cautious man,
who never laughed or cried.
He never risked, he never lost,
he never won nor tried.
And when he one day passed away,
his insurance was denied,
For since he never really lived,
they claimed he never died.

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Andrew Tan <dotvisionmy@yahoo.com.sg>
Date Sat Jun 18, 2005  10:49 am
Subject Bullying & Gangs in VI
Comment What happened to VI camaradie

Hello everyone,

It was indeed a shock to see to day's frontpage headlines in The Star. It is also on The Star's website at

What has happened to the students of our beloved school?
Has the standard really dropped to such a level. During our time we had detention and ragging but not to the extend like in this case which happened on Thursday.

Copy of The Star's report: Saturday June 18, 2005

Form Three boy bashed up for being rude to seniors

KUALA LUMPUR: The bullying scourge has now hit one of the country’s premier schools – Victoria Institution here.

Six students from the school were questioned by Dang Wangi police yesterday over the assault of a Form Three boy.

Two 17-year-old Form Five students had attacked him in school about 10.30am on Thursday, leaving him bruised in the face and injured in the chest and stomach.

Dang Wangi Deputy OCPD Supt Mohd Rodzi Ismail said the 15-year-old boy was beaten up because of a “misunderstanding” between him and the two senior students.

“The two seniors were accompanying a sick schoolmate to the Red Crescent Room when they saw the boy jump queue.

“The seniors questioned the boy on his manners but he was rude to them, saying that it was none of their business, and ended up getting slapped by the seniors,” said Supt Mohd Rodzi.

He said the two seniors then pushed the boy into an empty classroom, where they repeatedly punched him.

“We have recorded statements from the victim, his alleged attackers as well as four witnesses,” Supt Mohd Rodzi said, adding that police have not made any arrest.


Want to read the rest? Click here

Note: In the early 80s, one particular batch has the same characters as these new jokers. Their method was extreme and some of our VI86ers when they were in form 1, 2 & 3 suffered assault. The one I had at the rugby pitch in 1983 was considered light compared to those who were totally beaten up for very minor reason. Their method was so brute that the torture of Gestapos, US interagators or our own SB seems light. Till today, some of the VI86ers still have grudges against these f*%#ed up jokers. These guys are only brave as a pack and hit on individuals.

When I was in form 1 to 3, I always wondered why some of my batch would try not to go to the fourth and fifth former blocks. And when I was in the hostel, I finally got to know the reason for this weird behaviour.

The good part is when these VI86ers reached form five, we had a meeting and decided not to repeat the brutality on our juniors. Kudos to you all for our sensibility. As for the new bullies, this must be the cycle of time where a batch is prone to be idiots.


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"Mohd Azhar Ismail" <bobazhar@time.net.my>
Date Wed Mar 16, 2005  3:11 pm
Subject Dengue Fever & its Conventional Cure

Sebenarnya bukan any papaya leaf juice. Pucuk dan daun muda betik jantan. My kid yg 8 tahun kena denggi and after diagnose tapi I decide to jaga sendiri. Air 100plus
dan air masak diminum setiap jam dalam 1/2 botol. Check temperature. Jika panas,
tambahkan jumlah air diminum. pastikan dia sentiasa buang air. Air pucuk betik jantan rebus and air itu diminum. Rasa pahit, so budak-budak mungkin susah nak minum. I selang-selikan.

Pada hari kelima dan keenam, demam akan surut. Awas, this doesn't mean dah sembuh. Virus denggi akan masih ada. Teruskan sistem minum sehingga ke hari sepuluh dan jika demam lagi teruskan sampai demam tiada lagi. Diagnose to confirm.

Lagi satu, saya bernasib baik kerana dah tahu pada hari kedua dan immediately buat sistem tu. Why aku jaga sendiri? Hospital can't do anything but observe and maintain
platelete dia. Anyway, ini hanya applicable utk denggi biasa. Jika simtom denggi berdarah, segeralah ke hospital.

Everybody take care. The heatwave akan create more mossies.


IN REPLY TO: Talha Hj Masodi forward email from SEMESRA 85-86 Group.
Want to read the email? Click here

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rozhan yahya <rawang_1969@yahoo.co.uk>
Date Sat Mar 26, 2005  10:47 am
Subject VIOBA Inter Batch 7-A-Side Soccer Tournament 2005
Comment History in the making

Dear Vi86ers...
It is a pleasure to inform you that the 3rd VIOBA Inter Batch 7-A-Side Soccer Tournament 2005 is around the corner...16 & 17 April 2005, venue: VI Green..
So what are you waiting for? turn up in numbers..The tournament is now kown as "VIOBA Inter Batch 7-A-Side Soccer Tournament 2005 - The Mokthar Dahari Challenge Shield" and our own oldboys ministers (YB Shafie Afdal & YB Zul Hasnan) have confirmed to be part of the crowd!
For those who interested to be part of the Vi86 soccer team or for what ever reasons..please reply this email ok...Training on 27 Match 2005 & 10 April 2005
Really hope nak gather all those friends yg lama tak jumpa..especially yg jauh..Fidi, Along, Botak, Dedi, Raja Shahzan..semua la kalau boleh..
Ps..Kalau ramai yg nak turun, apa kata we organize makan-makan kat VIOBA??

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2006 © Mohd "Bob" Azhar bin Ismail . All Rights Reserved